Custom Crafting by Selah - Minecraft Data Pack (2024)

Custom Crafting by Selah - Minecraft Data Pack (1)

Data pack

Adds & improves crafting recipes with lightweight data packs (nothing crazy going on behind the scenes). The main pack tries to keep everything feeling fair and balanced. The Unbalanced pack is just that: everything, even if it breaks the game balance.


Game MechanicsManagementUtility


1 follower

Created8 months ago

Updated6 days ago

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Readme File:

(with added markdown)

This is the generic readme file for all Alpha, Beta, and Release versions of my Custom Crafting packs. Please visit the Modrinth website for more details of each pack.

Starting with installation:

  • Put the datapack in your "/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/saves/[Your World Here]/datapack" folder.
    • If you changed where Minecraft loads from, find that location and use that "saves" folder.
    • For servers, put it in your world folder that matches where your file says.
  • DO NOT put the datapack in your "/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/resourcepacks" folder.

For advanced users:

  • IF you want to store it in your ".minecraft" folder, CREATE a folder called "datapack" and put it there.
  • From there, when you create a world and go to add datapacks, you can simply go to this folder and grab what you need.

NOTE: SOME VERSIONS WILL SHOW INCOMPATIBLILITY. This is because the "pack_format" does not match the current version.

  • As long as the pack_format is older than or the same as the version you are using, everything should load fine.
  • If the pack_format is newer than the version you are using, everything SHOULD work, BUT it is UNTESTED! There will also likely be console errors for items not in the game.
  • There are some packs that are just broken when upgrading from one version to the next - ALWAYS use the pack associated with the version as listed on Modrinth.

This pack was made by Selah (AspieGamer13).If you want to use this pack in your single player worlds or multiplayer servers, just use them. This is what they're meant for. If you want to use this pack in your custom modpack or similar, there is ONE condition: Make sure you give proper credit for these packs. There is NO authorization to modify elements of this pack with intent to redistribute. You may ONLY modify elements of this pack FOR PERSONAL USE.

Datapack version reference (as of 1.21):

Pack Versionpack_formatMC Version

Datapack version is formatted as A.B.C

  • A matches the lowest supported "Pack Format" version
  • B is either a significant addition/change within the same "Pack Format" range OR
    is a minor change extending supported formats range (as of "Pack Format" 16)
  • C is a change that adds, removes, or fixes recipes from the specific pack (such as retroactively adding "Red Sand" to Beta and Release packs, for example)

Datapacks were not a thing before 1.13. There is no way to make these compatible older than 1.13.

1.17, 1.20.5, & 1.21 all have major breaking changes to datapacks
1.17: Breaks Advancements which are used to unlock recipes without commands
1.20.5: Breaks ALL Recipes
1.21: Breaks Folder Structure

(end of ReadMe file)

Snapshots are NOT directly supported and new custom recipes MAY OR MAY NOT be released ahead of their respective version. Recipe suggestions are welcome on my Discord ( as are suggestions for existing recipes to include in the main pack.

All Recipes

All Recipes:

(Based on the CURRENT pack version)

  • Additional Recipes
    • Bone Block
      • Craft Bone Block directly from Bone
      • 3 Bones to 1 Bone Block
      • 9 Bones to 3 Bone Blocks
      • Bone Block recipes grouped together
    • Chest
      • Craft Chest directly from Logs
      • 8 Logs to 4 Chests
      • Chest recipes grouped together
    • Dispenser
      • Craft Dispenser from Dropper and Bow
      • Craft Dispenser from Dropper and Bow recipe
      • Dispenser recipes grouped together
    • Red Nether Bricks
      • Craft Red Nether Bricks from Nether Bricks
      • Uses same resources for input and output as Vanilla recipe
    • Soul Torch
      • Craft Soul Torch from Torch
      • Soul Torch recipes grouped together
    • Trapped Chest - Used
      • Craft Hopper from Chest or Trapped Chest
      • Craft Shulker Box from Chest or Trapped Chest
      • Craft Boat (Raft) w/ Chest from Chest or Trapped Chest
      • Craft Minecraft w/ Chest from Chest or Trapped Chest
      • Matching recipes grouped together
  • Additional Recipes only Available in Alpha Version(s)
    • Trapped Chest - Crafting
      • Convert Chest to Trapped Chest (loses Tripwire)
      • Craft Trapped Chest while Crafting Chest
  • Change Recipes
    • Bark
      • Log to Wood output changed from 3 to 4
      • Stripped Log to Stripped Wood output changed from 3 to 4
  • Changed Crafting Recipes only Available in Alpha Version(s)
    • Banners
      • Craft Banners with less wool
      • 2 Wool instead of 6 Wool
  • Classic Recipes
    • Golden Apple
      • Golden Apple Input changed to Gold Nugget (same as 1.1-1.6)
      • Enchanted Golden Apple recipe re-added (from 1.3.1-1.8.9)

Note: Because this is the only Alpha pack used for Classic, there is no Beta release
This IS included in the full version releases

  • Color Recipes
    • Candle
      • Dye any color candle to any other color (1 to 1)
    • Carpet & Wool
      • Dye 8 blocks to 8 blocks, using ANY color combination for the input
      • It IS possible to use the output color in the input
      • Vanilla 1 to 1 recipes unchanged (there are use cases for the Vanilla recipe)
    • Concrete & Concrete Powder
      • Dye 8 blocks to 8 blocks, using ANY color combination for the input
      • It IS possible to use the output color in the input
    • Stained Glass & Stained Glass Panes
      • Dye 8 blocks to 8 blocks, using ANY color combination for the input
      • It IS possible to use the output color in the input
    • Terracotta & Glazed Terracotta
      • Dye 8 blocks to 8 blocks, using ANY color combination for the input
      • It IS possible to use the output color in the input
  • Coral Recipes
    • Coral
      • Craft 2 Coral Block from 4 Coral and/or Coral Fan
      • Input is any combination of 4 matching Coral and Coral Fan
      • Shape: 2x2

Note: Because this is the only Alpha pack used for Classic, there is no Beta release
This IS included in the full version releases

  • New Recipes
    • Chainmail
      • Craft Chainmail Armor from 4-8 Iron Bars
      • Shape: Same as matching piece in other materials
    • Cobweb
      • Craft Cobweb from 9 String

Warning: Combined with String from Cobweb recipe, this recipe DOES lose resources

  • Elytra
    • Craft Elytra from 8 Phantom Membrane
    • Shape: upsidedown Chest recipe
  • Horse Armor
    • Craft Horse Armor from 7 matching Ingot/Diamond
    • Adds Iron, Gold, Diamond
    • Shape: same as existing Leather Horse Armor Recipe
  • Nametag
    • Craft Nametag from 2 Paper & 1 String
    • Shape: Diagonal w/ String in top-right
  • Saddle
    • Craft Saddle from 6 Leather & 1 Iron Ingot
    • Shape: 6 Leather above 1 Iron Ingot like a Sign
  • String
    • Craft 1 Cobweb to 1 String

Warning: Combined with Cobweb from String recipe, this recipe DOES lose resources
1 to 1 is based on drop rate from breaking Cobweb

  • New Recipes only available in Alpha Version(s)
    • Calcite
      • Craft 2 Calcite from 1 Diorite & 1 Bone Block
      • Shapless Recipe
    • Fungus
      • Craft 1 Crimson Fungus from 1 Red Mushroom & 1 Crimson Root
      • Craft 1 Warped Fungus from 1 Brown Mushroom & 1 Warped Root
      • Shapless Recipe
    • Gilded Blackstone
      • Craft 1 Gilded Blackstone from 1 Blackstone and 4 Gold Nuggets
      • Shape: Blackstone in center, Gold Nuggets next to Blackstone

Note: Average Fortune III drop rate of Gold Nuggets from Gilded Blackstone is apx 4

  • Red Sand
    • Craft 8 Red Sand from 8 Sand & 1 Iron Nugget
    • Shape: 8 Sand surrounding 1 Iron Nugget

Note: Red Sand is in Iron Rich environments, hence the Iron Nugget to craft

  • Rooted Dirt
    • Craft 2 Rooted Dirt from 2 Dirt & 2 Hanging Roots
    • Shape: 2x2, on opposite diagonals
  • Spore Blossom
    • Craft 1 Spore Blossom from 1 Dripleaf & 1 Allium
    • Shapless Recipe
  • Smelting Recipes
    • Ore
      • Smelt Raw Ore Blocks (Copper/Gold/Iron) into matching mineral Blocks
        • Includes Furnace and Blast Furnace
        • Smelting time is nine times longer than raw minerals
        • Experience is scaled to match smelting 9 raw minerals
    • Petrified Oak Slab
      • Smelt Oak Slab into Petrified Oak Slab
        • Furnace only recipe
        • Smelting time is standard
        • Experience is minimum (0.1)
    • Sand & Glass
      • Smelt Sand into Glass with Blast Furnace
        • Smelting time is standard Blast Furnace time
        • Experience is unchanged
      • Smelt Gravel into Sand with Blast Furnace
        • Smelting time is standard Blast Furnace time
        • Experience is minimum (0.1)
  • Stonecutting Recipes
    • Slab
      • Convert Planks to 2 Slabs with Stonecutter
    • Stairs
      • Convert Planks to 1 Stair with Stonecutter
  • Undo Recipes
    • Ice
      • Uncraft Packed Ice
      • Uncraft Ice
      • Lossless (1 to 9)
    • Pane
      • Uncraft Glass Pane
      • Uncraft Stained Glass Pane
      • Uncraft Iron Bars
      • Lossless (8 to 3)
      • Shape: Around the outside like a Chest
      • Glass Pane & Stained Glass Pane grouped together
    • Sandstone
      • Uncraft Sandstone
      • Uncraft Red Sandstone
      • Lossless (1 to 4)
    • Slab
      • Uncraft all Slab (except Petrified Oak Slab)
      • Lossless (2 to 1)
      • Shape: Slabs side-by-side (avoides conflict with vertical Slab recipes)
      • Slabs grouped by type
        • Wood, Stone, Earth, Water, Nether, End, Copper
    • Wool
      • Uncraft Wool into String
      • Lossless (1 to 4)
      • Works with any color Wool
  • Undo Recipes only available in Alpha Version(s)
    • Blocks
      • Uncraft Amethyst Block
      • Uncraft Brick
      • Uncraft Pointed Dripstone
      • Lossless (1 to 4)
    • Nether Wart Block
      • Uncraft Nether Wart Block
      • Lossless (1 to 9)
    • Quartz Block
      • Uncraft Block of Quartz
      • Lossless (1 to 4)
    • Polished Stone
      • Uncraft Polished Andesite
      • Uncraft Polished Diorite
      • Uncraft Polished Granite
      • Lossless (1 to 4)

Removed Recipes:

  • Beds
    • Removed as of version 15.0.0
    • Now a Vanilla recipe
    • Can still be found in versons up to
      • Color/Bed Alpha 12.x.x
      • Color Beta 12.x.x
      • Release 12.x.x

For clarity, all recipes listed only available in Alpha Version(s) are more unbalanced for including in the main pack for various reasons. There are some included recipes that could also be seen similarly, however they are still included for quality of life reasons. Following are the excluded recipes found only in Alpha versions or Unbalanced Crafting versions:

  • Trapped Chest crafting recipes
  • (includes Trapped Chest -> Chest)
  • Banner changed recipe
  • Calcite
  • Crimson & Warped Fungus
  • Gilded Blackstone
  • Red Sand
  • Rooted Dirt
  • Spore Blossom
  • Undo Amethyst Block, Bricks, & Dripstone Block
  • Undo Block of Quartz
  • Undo Nether Wart Block
  • Undo Polished Andesite, Diorite, & Granite

Known Issues

Alpha 41.0.0 and Beta 41.0.0 Packs have the wrong Pack Format value in pack.mcmeta.
This was only fixed in the Release 41.0.1 versions as it is a minor issue, but one to avoid in the full release versions.

Featured versions

See all

Unbalanced Crafting - 48.0.0

Data Pack 1.21


Custom Crafting by Selah - 48.0.0

Data Pack 1.21


Unbalanced Crafting - 41.0.1

Data Pack 1.20.5–1.20.6


Custom Crafting by Selah - 41.0.1

Data Pack 1.20.5–1.20.6


Unbalanced Crafting - 15.2.1

Data Pack 1.20–1.20.4


Custom Crafting by Selah - 15.2.1

Data Pack 1.20–1.20.4


Project members

Selah Owner

Technical information



Project ID

Custom Crafting by Selah - Minecraft Data Pack (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.