Marriage In Peril (Italian Husbands) (2024)


2,865 reviews536 followers

December 12, 2017

Nicely done marriage in peril story (see title).

*Trigger warnings: detailed descriptions of incest and sexual abuse - not the heroine but another character*

H/h have been married five years. The context: heroine was a receptionist at a hotel where the Italian hero was staying while setting up his business in Australia. They had a whirlwind courtship, heroine got pregnant, hero proposed. Heroine's mother is a "feminist" lawyer who hates men after being let down by the heroine's father when she was a baby.

Heroine has decided she doesn't want to be like her mother and will make her marriage work by always agreeing with her husband making as few waves as possible.

The catalyst for the "peril." Hero's brother dies suddenly and they go to the funeral in Italy with their two children in tow. Heroine overhears her mother-in-law worrying that the hero is making a play for his brother's widow because she was engaged to the hero before she married his brother. Heroine is worried because hero hasn't had sex with her and he's at his father's office at all hours. She drives by the OW's house and sees the hero's car.

Now she's convinced the hero is cheating, but doesn't want to confront him because she wants to stay married for the children and she still loves him. So she is aggressive in bed with him and he is very excited by this new "Tiger" wife. Heroine then has doubts about this approach and she is pretty bitchy to him.

This is where the story gets interesting - the heroine does ask the hero about the OW and he explains - but it's only part of the story. For now things are patched up. The hero has a greater appreciation of the heroine and they have a lovely fifth anniversary with lots of hot sex and thoughtful gesture.

Then OW calls - she attempted suicide. Can the hero come to her? Hero leaves without explaining.
Heroine follows him and confronts the two of them. Then OW's story comes out.

*triggers for incest and sexual abuse*

When the OW as 12 her mother committed suicide and her father took her as his new "wife." She was introduced as his daughter but she slept with her father every night. Eventually, he pimped her out to other men - including the hero's depraved brother. When her father died she thought she was free and she started dating the hero who thought she was a virgin.

His older brother realized who she was and took her to bed knowing the hero would find them. They married and continued their depraved lifestyle. When the OW's husband died, she thought she was free of depravity - but found she was lonely one night and took a strange man home from the bar. That's when she called the hero - hoping he could save her from herself. They never had sex at anytime and the hero was trying to get her some counselling.

He thought she was better when he returned to Australia and he could put it behind him. He didn't tell the heroine that story because he was sworn to secrecy. The H/h finally talk it all out. The OW agrees to get help. HEA There's an epilogue five years later. The heroine has a job working with a fashion house the hero bought. The h's mother has a husband. The OW has a boy toy younger man who is devoted to her. (baby steps)

The hero was a great guy. He owned up to his part of their problems. Now he knows never to keep someone's secret apart from his wife. The heroine was pretty great, too. She tried to confront her problems without throwing their marriage away. I liked that the heroine and her mother got over their issues with each other, as well.

ML - did a great job with some heavy themes and managed to make their sex scenes part of the problem/confusion and then part of the healing.

    4-stars angst-by-jealousy angst-by-misunderstanding-lies


1,438 reviews163 followers

September 3, 2021

This is the one where I felt sorry for the hero and I loved the heroine’s mother.
The heroine has been married to the H for 5 years, they have two sons, the H is every woman’s dream man: sinfully hot, rich, kind and handsome. Maybe a little bossy, but my, thank god he has some faults.
The h is a bit tired lately. She’s feigning some org*sms, she feels a bit unsatisfied and so on.
Then suddenly the Hs brother dies and leaves a widow behind.
A beautiful widow, with whom the H is unusually cold.
The H and the h are staying at his parents home, while he tries to settle his brother’s business.
They don’t have sex for weeks.
Then one night the h accidentally finds out that the H and sil were engaged, but he found her in bed with his brother, so he broke the engagement.
The h finds out that her mil thinks the H is still in love with sil and is actually with her that very evening.
The h goes to sil’s house and sees her husbands car parked in front of the house. She goes home and when he comes back she seduces him to prove that he still wants her. But she has to work very hard to get a reaction because his lil dude down there is really not cooperating. She thinks this is a proof of his infidelity so she becomes a sex bomb and does very nasty things ( basically she goes down on him…) until- eventually- lil dude answer his call.
But the woman is now so very angry that she suddenly starts bickering every second. Poor hero tries to understand what happened to his sweet wife and after some awful hours she accepts to talk and clear the air.
Actually they talk about this issue and the hero reassures her that yes, he was engaged before meeting her but he’s in love only with her and not with ow. At this point the heroine’s brain has already done its best as regards paranoid thoughts and jealousy delusions. I’m astonished. She’s really out of her mind. Since things seems to be all right after their chat, I’m quite happy.
But no! The H receives a call from Italy ( they live in Australia) and tells the h that he has to go back to Italy because his sil/ ow tried to kill herself. Obviously the h is pissed, because Italy is not just around the corner and why must the hero go to Italy to his sil??? Is there not anyone else? Here I sympathized with h because it’s not so reasonable that he should leave for so long a journey only to be near his ex fiancé. Not very smart the hero here. Not after his wife’s recent delusion.
Then she finds out that he called ow the day they came back for 2 (really???) hours and she decides to leave for Italy and see her faithless husband with her own eyes.
So there she goes and she makes a scene that really left me without words, calling her sil a w***e and her husband a bastard and threatening to divorce him and never let him see his children. I like this crazy woman. We need more women like her.
The hero is terrified (literally) runs under the sofa, and the sil explains to the h that she had a traumatic childhood and was abused by her father and by his friends (yuk!)
The h comes back to her normal self and after giving her sil some very good advice she scolds the hero (again) because he wasn’t honest and didn’t tell her the truth. The poor hero decides to give the heroine everything she wants, a job, a new house, new names for their children, new boobs, everything. The epilogue is five years later, and he’s still scared.
I loved the heroine’s mother, a thin, bitter, man-hater woman who lives on cigarettes and coffee and awful prophecies.
I loved the hero, he was sweet and hot. What else do you want?
I loved the crazy heroine that is the inspiration of that infamous joke:
How can you turn a goose into a pitbull? You marry her.

    angst grovel hero-behaving-badly


1,217 reviews606 followers

December 16, 2017

Read StMargarets's 4-star review of Marriage in Peril by Miranda Lee

- hero was a little chauvinistic to begin with.
- I hated the fact the heroine seduced the hero thinking he came to her from the OW’s bed, however it worked out much better than hysterics. He suddenly realised she has as much control in the relationship as he does.
- heroine doesn’t sugarcoat or baby him when he realised he has been a controlling jerk in the marriage and a successful marriage takes two to tango. She let him own up to his mistakes, and also let him realise what a housewife and full time mother puts up with every day without complaining about it!
- she does jump to conclusions however for a change doesn’t pull an AWOL taking the kids with her. If she was going to leave him, she’ll tell him exactly what she thought of him “cheating”.
- NO cheating whatsoever, emotional or otherwise! Hero was in fact besotted.

    abuse-drugs-triggers caring-hero faithful-hero

Preeti ♥︎ Her Bookshelves

1,342 reviews19 followers

May 30, 2019

Only Miranda Lee could have done a marriage in trouble this way.
Wow! Maybe!
I liked a few things, some I didn't and a few just squeamed me out!

Their marital dynamic is thus...
'You know, you're much cleverer than you let on sometimes, aren't you?'
'You mean considering I'm a dumb blonde?' Leo was an intelligent man, but he was used to his wife not causing any waves in his life.
'You really are in a touchy mood. I'll try not to take offence. I'll blame it on the flight and the time of the month.'

The guy does do a u-turn on his macho-ass-ness, so scores some brownie points.
(As does the h's uber-feminist mom.)

The h is such cool one - practical and determined to save her marriage and bring the H to heel. No running away - hurt and defeated - for her.
And aggressively competitive! Imagine the determination that drove her to perform ... and outdo his 'mistress/lover' from whose bed he has supposedly just returned. Thankfully, the author shows him having a long shower after coming home before the h 'attacks'.
No, this guy won't be straying. Ever!

The ow is disposed off along expected lines, only her backstory is gross. Poor her.

    _bbd e-aus-nz e-greek-italian-spanish

Fanniny Moreno Zavaleta

465 reviews96 followers

January 9, 2018

I'll leave the plot-telling to the pros...

I'll just say then that I had some problems with the h's views at the beginning and wasn't convinced by her sudden complete personality makeover but as I've had so many of those by the H's in unaccountable books I can overlook it. The H's attentiveness and trying to mend his past mistakes were really nice and should have meant a higher rate.

The main problem in no giving this one a higher rate lays in a few lines here and there. Sometimes certain lines get stucked in my head and ruin my reading like Ignorance is blissful sometimes.

    deception he-is-charming he-is-honorable-or-dutiful

Nikki ღ Navareus

1,025 reviews405 followers

February 7, 2021

I loved this one. Brook and Leo get married in the beginning of this story due to an unplanned pregnancy. They are married 5 years, with Leo running the marriage in a very "I'm the husband and what I say goes!" kind of way, with Leo having all the say in everything, and never ONCE telling his wife he loves her in all of those 5 years.
Marriage In Peril (Italian Husbands) (7)
After Leo's brother dies, trouble in paradise begins.

This was a quick read, with turbulence and decent angst. I enjoyed the story from beginning to end. ["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>["br"]>

    decent-angst harlequin hea

Lu Bielefeld

4,234 reviews530 followers

May 20, 2021

4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Liked it!
Our heroine has accumulated years of resentment because she didn't want to be like her mother. Our hero is sexist and does things his way, she accepts everything, even if she is upset, so as not to rock the boat. Everything exploded when she suspects that our hero is unfaithful, yet she swallows everything and pretends that nothing is happening. Even his parents are suspicious.
The boiling point happens and our heroine begins to show her true strong personality. At first he is surprised and then he embraces her change.

Many was the night Brooke just didn't feel like sex. But she never refused Leo, not unless she was really sick. Of course, that meant faking an org*sm every once in a while. But she did it. For him.

Leo's only sibling, Lorenzo, had been killed in a car accident, losing control of his prized Ferrari on one of the hairpin bends around the lake and crashing to a watery death.

If there was one thing Brooke could rely upon with her husband, it was the unfailing regularity of his need for sex. Yet he hadn't laid a hand on her since the funeral, almost three weeks ago.

'I am the head of this family,' he'd pronounced dogmatically. 'What I say goes!'

Her mother had warned her she would become a doormat. Well, maybe she had in a way, she conceded. But she was a happy and contented doormat. Most of the time.

'I don't think he's in the office today...' Sophia said in more hushed tones. Brooke leant forward in her chair. '...I think he's with Francesca.' Brooke's heart lurched.

'But these are not normal circ*mstances. Leonardo was in love with Francesca long before Brooke came into his life. He never got over Lorenzo stealing Francesca away from him. He might have pretended to, but I know differently. I'm his mother.'

Leo...her Leo, in love with Francesca? Her husband, once engaged to his brother's wife? Francesca choosing Lorenzo over Leo?

'If he no longer cared for Francesca,' Sophia scorned, 'then why did he run off to Australia? And why didn't he return for his brother's wedding?'

With Lorenzo dead, Leonardo finally has the opportunity to have what he foolishly denied himself back then. Francesca, in his bed.'

Leo, in love with Francescal Leo, once engaged to his brother's widow! Leo, not at the office, but spending time with his lost love...

The fact Leo had never actually said he loved her. Not ever!

Better she swallow her pride and turn that blind eye. Better she ignore the pain, hide the overwhelming feelings of humiliation and pretend nothing had changed. But oh, dear Lord, it was going to be hard...

Shock held her fingers still for a few moments. For never had Leo felt so limp, or less interested in her touch!

There's just so many faked org*sms a husband can endure before he starts looking elsewhere.'

'Money can buy you any thing, Brooke. It just can't buy you intangible things, such as love or talent or happiness. It can, however, buy you some damned fine food and the very best French champagne.'

    doormat-loser-pathetic-alert heroine-is-a-boring-lay heroine-is-annoying


68 reviews

January 5, 2018

This was a surprisingly good read! Miranda Lee really drew me into this book right from the beginning. She is truly an excellent writer and storyteller. Her characters are believable and engaging. It was a nice turn around to read a romance about an already happily married couple who hit a snag in their relationship. This happens everyday to so many people and she wrote a believable book with believable main characters.

Miranda Lee did a great job dealing with some HEAVY issues, especially at the end of the book, without making the reader feel as if they needed to get their own prescription of Prozac with a little Xanax on the side. ML wrote about these issues very straightforwardly and thankfully didn’t linger on them. So no need for the reader to see a psychiatrist after reading this book.

Why not 5 Stars? The heroine believes that the hero has just left his mistress’ bed and comes home to her. The heroine then pulls out all of her sexual tricks and seduces her husband. I find it hard to believe that a woman would want to have sex with her husband after believing that he literally just left another woman’s bed. That was the thought process of the heroine and I literally cringed when she was seducing her husband. I wanted the heroine to have more self-respect for herself. Yes, she’s been in a 5 year marriage with a domineering husband however, her husband wasn’t an ogre and I felt that the heroine did herself a disservice by seducing her husband, while believing he had just left his mistress. Too much of an “eww factor” for me.

Overall a great read which I highly recommend.


2,278 reviews2 followers

November 1, 2021

Here’s a human garbage. She basically ruined someone’s life.
She lied about being on the pill and got pregnant when he asked before having sex. He ends up marrying her desperate ass because of it.

What if some guy lied about using a condom with you, and you end up getting pregnant. You’ll be stuck having a child with a man you don’t love or want. Your entire life ruined.

There’s a scene where she think she catches her hub cheating, and she walks away so he can get it out of his system. She’s such a f*cking doormat that she prefers to look away then lose him.🙄


    cheating-maybe didnt-like-heroine marriage-in-trouble


1,070 reviews1 follower

January 9, 2011

4 star Miranda Lee book. Neither the hero nor heroine in this book were perfect. Both made mistakes and let a failure to communicate with each other put their "marriage in peril".

    category lee-miranda own-a-copy


3,710 reviews258 followers

August 15, 2011

Marriage in Peril is Australian author Miranda Lee’s 49th romance novel. Happily married to Leonardo Parini for five years, and mother to his two children, Brooke was happy until she overheard a conversation between her in-laws. It seemed that Leo had been engaged to his sister-in-law, the beautiful and now widowed Francesca, before she married his brother. And on this visit to Italy, he had been behaving unusually: was he betraying her with Francesca? Brooke decided to fight for the man she loved, and she still had one weapon he couldn’t resist. A perfect example of what a lack of communication can do to a relationship. A very sexy Aussie romance with an Italian flavour.


1,788 reviews179 followers

December 3, 2021

Quite realistic in a way!

    as-booge-said-hero-needs-skilleting insta-love


896 reviews25 followers

April 3, 2013



691 reviews27 followers

December 2, 2021

I read today that Miranda Lee passed away on November 13th. She hasn’t been my “go to author”, but I have read a few books by her and have enjoyed them. To pay my respects, I decided to forgo my next book and seek out a ML book. I looked at Stmargaret’s shelves and found one that she had rated 4. (Which means I will not be disappointed!) Stmargaets left a great review for this book: However, I am going to recommend that you do not click on her spoilers. I believe some of the best angst was taken away after I read the spoilers. I couldn’t help myself!

The story begins with a prologue where we meet the mother of the heroine(Brooke)the day before she is to marry the hero(Leo). Our h’s mother is a strong independent woman who is down on men. She warns her daughter that the marriage will most likely disintegrate in 5 years as the heroine obviously loves the hero more than he loves her. Mommy will wait with cigarette in hand to commiserate with her and tell her I told you so when it happens.

Chapter 1, is 5 years later. The h is now 27 with 2 children and for the most part her marriage to the H has been good. However, because she doesn’t want to be twice divorced like her mom she often times stifles her nature and goes along with everything the H suggests. (She even fakes org*sms when she is frankly too tired for sex, but doesn’t want to disappoint her husband). Now they are in Italy as the H’s brother has passed away and he was in charge of the family business part in Italy. The H has good parents who actually like their daughter in law(so often times there are issues in HP land with this). The H is working long hours working out the business issues. However, the h overhears a conversation between her mil and fil that the H may also be spending lots of time with the dead brother’s wife. Worse than this, the h finds out that the widow was the love of his life and that he was actually engaged to her. In fact, it was at their engagement party that he found the brother with his fiance. He hadn’t even slept with his fiance because she was a nice Italian virgin. (Unlike our h who was not a virgin when she met the H) The h decides to drive to Milan to see if her husband is at the office. Instead his car is at the widow’s apartment. He doesn’t get back until well after 11 that night. Where he then takes a long shower to wipe off all evidence of the ow’s perfume. When he gets to bed he makes no attempts on the h(it has been weeks!!!) So the h becomes quite the tigress and although her husband is more limp than an overcooked noodle, she eventually coaxes the turtle out of its shell giving the H some of the best sex of their marriage. She doesn’t bring up her new found knowledge to the H about his ex fiance, and starts to distance herself from him. They head back home to Australia and the H notices his wife is being cold, distant and weepy. He goes the extra mile to show that he cares for her, in fact he actually tells her he loves her for the first time. He actually comes off as a really great guy!

So reader we have to decide if the H is acting out of guilt or has the death of his brother made him realize how much he truly loves the h. The h actually goes to her mother and tells her all that she knows. The mother is surprised as she likes the H, but then she isn’t surprised because, well, he is a male. The h’s talk with her mom actually has a different effect on her and when she gets back home to an angry, somewhat disturbed H, they hash out a lot. We are at the 1/2 way point, so you know that there is more to happen, but at this point the marriage in peril seems to be on the mend. They have both agreed to be open with each other and discard secrets…..unfortunately there are still some secrets out there. The sexy times between the h and H are pretty hot. I have been reading a lot of early 80’s books recently, so I had to look at the date as I wasn’t used to the hotness! Near the end of the book, the h confronts the ow(widow) and you are going to cheer her on! There are so many times we want to see this, and we don’t get it. However, there is a twist to this “comeuppance”! It is one of the few times, maybe even the first time I have felt sorry for the ow. Not only sorry for her, but sad and outraged on her behalf! It is a stunner my friends and this is why I would recommend not reading spoilers.

What do I like about the story?

The h has a spine! Her marriage troubles have helped her rediscover it. She also realizes that she needs to be more honest with the H about things.

The hero!!! I was prepared to hate the hero. However, he did a lot to show his wife how much he loved her throughout the book. He was not cruel. He actually ended up being one of the best hero’s I have ever read.

The story ends 5 years in the future. The h now 32 and her husband 42. It is a nice ending without the usual epilogue of the h being pregnant etc..(to be fair I do like those too!)

Thanks to Miranda Lee for delivering a great story with some unexpected turns. In the end it was a story with lots of heart!

    author-miranda-lee cheating-possible chemistry-isn-t-just-for-science


489 reviews

June 1, 2023

I'm still processing this. It's an interesting (but not necessarily successful?) attempt to engage with feminist critique, set up by the conversation in the prologue between Brooke and her mother before Brooke's marriage. Brooke's mother is a feminist -- and as Brooke sees her, basically a caricature of feminists: Phyllis is a cynical, twice-divorced, badly-dressed man-hater who ruined her marriages by having opinions and worse, expressing them!! Brooke is pregnant; the wealthy Italian businessman she's been dating for two months proposed and she accepted. As Brooke predicted, Phyllis is skeptical of her decision (and her refusal to consider abortion, which is interesting because heroines in accidental pregnancy and secret baby stories always react that way, but as Phyllis points out, there's no reason abortion shouldn't be an option. It's very rare for a heroine to have religious reasons for this, she just isn't "that type of woman"). Brooke defends herself by talking about how great Leo is (like a god!) and proclaims her decision to be a "doormat" for him. She won't argue, she won't insist on doing things her way, she'll just do whatever he wants, whatever she can do to make him happy. Tbh, all of this made both Brooke and Leo pretty difficult for me to root for at the beginning. It's hard for me to understand a modern woman intentionally wanting to subordinate her entire personality to her husband's, and it's hard to respect anyone who would want to be on the other side of that kind of relationship. I sympathized much more with Phyllis, who has to deal with her own daughter dismissing her because she's divorced and not conventionally attractive.

Then the real story is set five years later, when we can see the cracks widening in Brooke's marriage. (Although we can guess/figure out what Leo is thinking, it's all from Brooke's perspective.) And Brooke's character arc is basically about learning to stop being a doormat and be more like her "real" self: strong, outspoken, opinionated, active, taking charge. I really liked that! Some of it is really unrelatable for me personally -- when I feel like someone else is less invested in our relationship (platonic or romantic) than I am, that makes me lose interest. So Brooke trying to hold onto Leo when she thinks he's having an affair was hard for me to understand at first, but it was interesting. Brooke talks to Phyllis about the state of her marriage and Phyllis helps her figure things out; Leo also talks to Phyllis (I wish we could have seen this on the page) and gets a clue. Brooke and Leo are able to find each other again and communicate, so I felt good about their relationship by the end.

What I really had trouble with was the treatment of the OW, Leo's widowed sister-in-law. I liked that Miranda Lee went for something different from the classic virtuous heroine vs evil slu*t OW, but something about her story bothered me a lot.

    hp vintage-contemp


2,216 reviews18 followers

March 23, 2022

I almost stopped reading this in the beginning, when we meet the heroine's chain-smoking, extremely "feminist," man-hating mother, but I'm glad I didn't - turns out Mom was more than a little bit right (maybe the best choice for her brilliant twenty-two-year-old daughter was not dropping out of any education and marrying the much older Italian millionaire who'd knocked her up after a month of dating, at least not if she wanted to be allowed to exercise her brain), and while Brooke and Leo have a mostly happy marriage, his chauvinism and her determination to be a Good (and undemanding) Wife have led them to a toxic place in their marriage. This is basically a HQ Presents novel that takes place after the usual HQ Presents slaps a HEA on things. And it does a good job! I find Lee can be fairly uneven but this was a good outing from her.


Ellyn (Mrs. Darcy in my Dreams)

1,491 reviews3 followers

April 11, 2021

3.5 stars. I loved the show down at the end. This was a typical lack of communication story trope.

    contemporary-romance harlequin

Deana Evers

Author6 books4 followers

May 19, 2021

Great story of growth in a marriage

The people who rated this so low must not have read the whole story. It's about a coming of age of a woman trying not to be like her bitter, feminist mother so you represses her aggression to try to have the perfect marriage. Once challenged she begins to fight back and creates a more passionate and loving union where she can be herself. I love that this story is about a married couple and the challenges they face and keeping the passion alive.


3,258 reviews11 followers

February 14, 2023

This is a story of two people who married in haste. Brooke became pregnant with the first week of meeting Leo. He was Italian visiting Sydney Australia. They have been married 5 years when his brother dies. While back in Italy for the funeral she over hears that Leo and his sister-in-law were once engaged. Now this is where misunderstandings start. She does not confront him at first. So there is heart ache. I have read and loved many of Miranda Lee's books. This is one I have read before and will read again.

Helen Moulden

425 reviews

October 27, 2019

So much misunderstanding. Halfway through the book I was at 2 - 3 stars. I know the ending was supposed to make you understand the story line but that part was horrible. I loved the fact that Leonardo loved her so much but the idiot should have told her right from the start of their marriage. I would love to watch their kids grow up.


1,144 reviews116 followers

February 9, 2021

A marriage that could have been in trouble, but wasn’t. These two love each other. She overhears a conversation between her in-laws and it casts all sorts of shadows over their relationship. There’s eventually a confrontation over something from his past.

April Reader

168 reviews12 followers

March 15, 2023

3.5 Stars

Marriage-in-trouble stories are my catnip (or more specifically, stories where the relationship started before the book begins, including 'mistress-but-not-wife-yet', 'relationship-amnesia', 'MOC-but-now-its-time-for-next-level', and other variations) so a book literally titled "Marriage in Peril" = automatic must read.

I love a story where H/h are already together and have to work through issues because of the inherent angst in those kinds of stories.

This one is no exception when it comes to angst.

H/h are married for 5 years and have two young kids. H's brother dies and H begins working extra long hours to get dead brother's affairs in order because apparently his business was a mess. The brother left a wife (no children) who is in no position to get the business matters in order so H is willing to help out.

The story begins when H is out late working again and h goes outside on their home's upper terrace to get some air and she overhears her MIL and FIL (who are on the terrace below) speaking that they're worried that H is not actually working but spending time with his brother's widow because it turns out that he was once engaged to her and it ended when he caught her in bed with the brother but that he has been in love with her ever since.

The heroine is in shock and decides to see for herself by driving to OW's house (this is a very unusual thing for h to do because she is normally shy, agreeable and sweet - not one to confront anything). She sees her husband's car outside OW's house and she freaks out but drives home without confronting them.

Hero returns some time later (around midnight-ish or later) and she pounces on him in bed and then cries.

The story picks up from there.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    ebook hp ow-drama


933 reviews

August 23, 2018

Historia absurda y personajes igual de absurdos.

    harlequin non-virgin-heroine


432 reviews1 follower

April 3, 2024

Good read

It took me a while to like this story. I liked it better towards the end. She finally found her backbone and stood up for herself.


165 reviews25 followers

December 11, 2010

I have really enjoyed reading this book. For one, the lead characters in the story had been married for five years already. So, the storyline has mostly revolved around their marriage life and how the heroine came up with the plan of prevailing over the threat on her marriage. Another reason would be the verity that some married readers might be able to relate with the problems that may once-in-a-while plague even a happy matrimony.

The last time I took pleasure in reading a Miranda Lee’s story was in my high school days. A delightful and insightful read. Marriage is all about keeping communication lines open and no keeping secrets…ever!


2,126 reviews30 followers

July 16, 2012

Brooke was an awesome heroine - especially for a category romance, but in general.
I was a little annoyed she was all determined and then didn't speak up, but the point is she eventually did and confronted Leo.
The part with Francesca was a bit far fetched... but I can still believe it.

I liked that she really put Leo through his paces. :D

Definitely glad I got to "recharge" with some Miranda Lee categories today.



726 reviews13 followers

October 22, 2022

There must ge something about this book for me to have read it 4x. Yes 4x. There is only one other book I gave read more.

It is definitely a good story and we'll written. The angst coming from within.

It rounds out with a great HEA

    favourites re-read-3 re-read-4


79 reviews2 followers

August 23, 2012

Re read 2012

    2012-reads-of-350-books baby-children harlequin-presents
Marriage In Peril (Italian Husbands) (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.