Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (2024)

At the end of each year, I love to look back and see which recipes were the most popular. I usually have a good idea based on your feedback, but it’s nice to delve into Google Analytics and see which recipes were clicked on the most. Plus, I have a horrible memory. These days I can hardly remember what I made last week, let alone 12 months ago. From looking at this list, it looks like a nice balance of everyday eats with healthy but indulgent treats – just the way I like to eat in my day-to-day life. I think we’d get along just fine…..juuuuust fine.

Top Recipes from 2012 (#30-16)

#30. Falafel with a Twist

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (1)

#29. Spiced Red Lentil, Kale, and Tomato Soup

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (2)

#28. No Bake Peppermint Patty Bars

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (3)

#27. Vegan Cookie Dough Freezer Fudge

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (4)

#26. Crispy Breaded Tofu Strips

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (5)

#25. Homemade Crispy Twix bars

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (6)

#24. Homemade Bailey’s Irish Cream made Vegan

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (7)

#23 On The Glow Basic Oatmeal Squares

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (8)

#22 Lightened Up Sundried Tomato Basil Pesto Pasta

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (9)

#21 Homemade Rolo Knock-Offs

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (10)

#20. Oh Mega Carrot Cake Breakfast Cookies

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (11)

#19. Sundried Tomato Cheezy Kale Chips

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (12)

#18. Back On track Green Monster (Banana free)

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (13)

#17. Crispy Baked Onion Rings

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (14)

#16. Endurance Crackers

Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (15)

The top 15 recipes will be coming up sometime next week, so keep your eyes peeled.

Have you made anything from this list? How did it go?

More Lists

  • Light and Energizing Recipes to Kick Off 2018
  • Cozy plant-based meals for the blustery winter days ahead
  • Oh She Glows 15 Best Vegan Cookie Recipes!
  • How To Pack Food For A Weekend Away In An Hour! (Plant-Based)



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11 years ago

I’ve made about a half dozen things from your blog over the last month or so. The lentil and kale soup was a huge hit and I’ve made it three times. I first discovered your site and made the sinless toffee pudding and that was out of this world. I’ve also made the detox salad and some other things that were great. Tonight I’m following your recipe for spaghetti squash with your almond and pecan parm and kale (mix and match is how I roll..haha).

I also wanted to say how much discovering your blog has helped me. Around the same time that I found your blog (maybe out 3 months ago), my therapist helped me to finally admit that I have disordered eating and exercise (I call it my eating and exercise weirdness). Healing is a process and having these outstanding recipes has truly helped me!


Luv What You Do

11 years ago

Wow, Everything on this list looks incredible…it’s hard to know where to start : )
Looking forwar to seeing the other half of the list!


Ashley @ Blissful Basil

11 years ago

Love the reminiscent post of 2012 favorites. Your recipes are always beautiful and delicious and my non-veg husband has become a believer in vegan food thanks to many of your creations. Looking forward to reading about and making whatever tasty masterpieces you create in 2013!


Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat

11 years ago

Gah I’ve just eaten dinner but now you’ve got me craving the oatmeal squares!! I actually just made falafels the other day, but I’m going to check out your recipe too!


Heather Joy

11 years ago

I have a pot of the lentil soup simmering right now! It has already become a family favorite, even for my pickiest eater!


Herbivore Triathlete

11 years ago

I made several batches of the tomato basil pesto and still have one jar in the freezer! I was actually thinking about pulling it out the other night…

I made the rolo knock offs shortly after they were posted and not only did I love them, so did my kids!

I’ve also made the crispy breaded tofu strips, we call them “Tofu Tenders” at my house. They’ve actually replaced chicken nuggets for my youngest as she prefers them over the frozen bagged nuggets.

The endurance crackers and the red lentil, kale and tomato soup are both on my to-make list. I’m also loving the looks of the oatmeal squares!


Meghann B

11 years ago

The lentil kale soup was so good that it has now become a staple in my repertoire. It’s easy to make and leftovers freeze great.


Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl

11 years ago

All of these recipes look so good. I don’t know how I would ever decide what to make first! I will definitely be bookmarking this post :).



11 years ago

Happy 2013! I’ve only tried the soup of those recipes, and it was lovely! I’d love to try the others, they all sound incredible… especially those onion rings. I’m a sucker for good onion rings, but rarely order them because it’s so hard to find them done well. I’m all for a healthier version, too!

Vegan Radhika Sarohia

11 years ago

Have made many of these and many are still on my list of things to make for the first time
Those onion rings were the very first things I made from this blog–I think those were how I found this blog, actually, from Googling vegan onion ring recipe


Heather Joy

11 years ago

I forgot to say that I always add carrots to the lentil kale soup. Delicious!


Michelle DePolo

11 years ago

Spiced kale and lentil soup….soooooo good.
I also really like Krispy twix bars. Huge hit for thanksgiving!



11 years ago

Love your site and recipes! Btw, you can order Chia seeds from Amazon.


Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers

11 years ago

Ohh, everything looks good, but the oatmeal bars are calling me! On my must make list!



11 years ago

Hi Angela,

I’m reading your blog often and it’s very inspiring reading not only your recipies but also some stuff about your life :)

I was very curious if your kids are gonna be vegan as well ? Very curious…


Angela Liddon (Oh She Glows)


Reply toMichelle

11 years ago

Thanks Michelle, I’m glad you are enjoying the blog!
If we do have kids someday, that will be for them to decide. Of course, our house is mostly plant-based now (except for dairy milk that Eric uses), but if they go to friends and have meat or ice cream or what have you, that will be their call. Kids need to be kids and try new things, I understand this. Hopefully being raised in a house with a vegan focus, they will grow up loving those foods anyway.


Vegan Radhika SArohia

Reply toAngela Liddon (Oh She Glows)

11 years ago

^ I’m nowhere near having kids but if I were to have them, my approach would be the same as this. I’d just let them make up their own mind, in general.



Reply toAngela Liddon (Oh She Glows)

11 years ago

Thanks Angela for your reply. You mentioned before that Eric eats meat once in a while. Do you think he will want the kids to try it? I’m very curious what he thinks about kids being vegan. And how he ended up not eating meat anymore…. My fiance is not a vegan and he is not very happy about me wanting to rise them in a vegan home. He even says that he will learn how to cook meat in order to feed his kids…Of course its their choice what they are gonna eat later on, but I wanted to introduce them to a vegan lifestyle first. If they decide to eat meat after, then I totally understand.

(Our home is currently vegan. My fiance eats non vegan stuff at work and whenever he has a chance to eat out. But besides that he could care less if there is meat at home. He’s happy with my cooking…)



11 years ago

Given how often I stop by the blog, I can’t believe I’ve never tried any of these recipes! Lentil soup is on my list for this coming Monday, and I totally need to try those onion rings!

Has anyone ever eaten the oatmeal bars during long runs?? I’m a marathoner and I only eat “real food” on long runs. Right now I’m been eating Nutri-grain bars… more real than gu, but still not that real.



11 years ago

Thank you for all of the delicious recipes. Your site is definitely my “go to” site and I’ve made many of your recipes! From this list, I’ve made the falafels, rolos, twix bars, peppermint patties, green monsters, baked tofu, and the lentil soup (I used green but it still turned out SOOOOO good and is one of my families favorites). Endurance crackers are next on my list and I’m currently munching on a small jar of baked oatmeal with homemade butter – both your recipes! Thank you for all you do! Can you recommend any other yummy vegan websites that you enjoy?



Reply toHollie

11 years ago

*pumpkin* butter :)


Carrie @ Kiss My Whisk

11 years ago

Many of these are going on my to make list, can’t wait for the next 15!


Lia @ Sojourning

11 years ago

It’s always nice to get a reminder of your recipes. You have posted so many that this is a great refresher. I’ve made the Bailey’s and the Sun Dried Tomato Pesto Pasta. I WANT to make the baked onion rings. I used to hate onion rings, probably because I hated onions as a kid, but now I love them! I just hate the fried oily part. I totally forgot you had these in your recipes. Thanks again!



11 years ago

Make some version of the Green Monster daily… Now it’s time to try out some cheesy kale chips! Thanks for all the great ideas:)


Stefanie @ Thin Vegetarian

11 years ago

The Endurance crackers sound great; making crackers would be a first.


Elisa Lipton @ Beach Girl Abroad/Elisa Yoga

11 years ago

Ah, you are such an inspiration! Thank you for this list…I just made an Asian Superfood Soup…the Crispy Tofu Strips will be PERFECT to go on the side ;)



11 years ago

LOVED the freezer fudge. It turned out I didn’t process the almonds enough (fear of generating butter) so the end result was very crumbly instead of cohesive and fudgy (be warned) but it still tasted delicious!



11 years ago

Making the Tomato Lentil Kale Soup this weekend! Can’t wait! Thanks so much for your recipes :-)


Lauren @ Gourmet Veggie Mama

11 years ago

That red lentil soup is the BOMB. It’s one of my go-tos (with a few small tweaks, of course… I am a tweaker). There are a few more yummies on there I need to try, too!


Lauren @ Oatmeal after Spinning

11 years ago

I’m so glad that you did this round-up. Now when I’m planning my menu for this week, I can just be lazy and look in one place! :)



11 years ago

I have all the ingredients for the endurance crackers and I can’t wait to try them!



11 years ago

I am completely in love with your Spiced Red Lentil and Kale soup. It is so awesome that I’ve made it several times in the last couple of months and shared the recipe with my mom, who loves it too! I make it in big batches and freeze it in meal-size containers to take to work for lunch.

Since I almost never have all of the ingredients any recipe calls for on hand, I’m a queen of substitution. I’ve made this soup once with celeriac instead of celery, and once with carrots instead of celery. Both were superb.

I can’t thank you enough for this soup! It’s made me a loyal follower of your blog!


Angela Liddon (Oh She Glows)


Reply toCaroline

11 years ago

Thank you so much Caroline! I’m so happy you enjoy it and thanks for the tips on the substitutions.



11 years ago

I made the “Rolos” yesterday and they were soooooo yummy and easy to make! My husband thought they were better than the real deal. Tonight I’m making the Red Lentil Soup for dinner since it is a cool, drizzly day here in FL! I know it will be great ~ I love all your recipes!



Angela Liddon (Oh She Glows)


Reply toBeth

11 years ago

Hi Beth, so glad to hear you enjoyed them!! :) Thanks for your kind words. Enjoy the soup!



11 years ago

I tried out the tomato lentil kale soup the other day. It was so delicious and extra nutritious!
Can’t wait to try out the falafel next.


Ben Blue @ Awesome Vegan Blog

11 years ago

Wow! These are some inspiring recipe ideas! :)

Ben, http://www.awesomeveganblog,com



11 years ago

I have made the tofu strips a couple of times and LOVE them! They are so delicious and make me feel like I am really eating some fish and chips :) I am going to try out the Falafel sometime soon!



11 years ago

It’s only Tuesday of this week and I’ve already made #30 Falafel with a Twist and #29 Spiced Red Lentil, Kale, and Tomato Soup ( but I used beet greens instead since they are growing so big in our garden) and loved both SO much, they will become staples. Thank you so much for making a roundup of your most popular recipes, SO excited to see the next batch!



11 years ago

Hi Angela, I have nominated you for the Inspiring Blogger Award because I think you deserve a little something for making your blog so informative and delicious! To share this little bit of blogging kindness: 1. Display the award image on your blog. 2. Link back to the person who nominated you. 3. State 7 things about yourself. 4. Nominate 15 other bloggers and link to their sites. 5. Notify the bloggers that they have been nominated and link to the post. Thank you for inspiring me!


Angela Liddon (Oh She Glows)


Reply toTartine

11 years ago

Thank you for the nom, I appreciate it!



11 years ago

This was a super helpful overview for someone like me who dabbles in Vegan cooking. Found a few my hubby will like!! :)




11 years ago

I cannot wait to try the onion rings. I know I shouldn’t, but oh well. I’m lacto-ovo and tend to binge of bad dairy stuff. I just picked up some dairy free shake mixes from, and will use them as a breakfast alternative. There are so many amazing dishes on this page, I don’t know where to begin. Also, I just found this book called Soul Food Vegan. It’s regional Southern with a vegan twist. Thanks for the great photos and ideas!



11 years ago

I made your twix bars last night and brought them to an ex-pat party in Switzerland. The suspicious looks at the peanut butter/chocolate combo (apparently not a childhood staple in all parts of the world!) quickly faded as the bars were INHALED within minutes. Bravo. Global audience approved.


Angela Liddon (Oh She Glows)


Reply toDesiree

11 years ago

hah that’s great!!! Thanks for letting me know :)


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Most Popular Vegan Recipes of 2012 {#30-16} – Oh She Glows (2024)


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