Pickled Radishes - Super Simple Recipe (2025)

Super simple quick-pickled radishes that are ready to eat the next day! You’ll be amazed at how easy this pickling recipe is. Enjoy your pickled radishes on their own, or place them on sandwiches, tacos, and more.

Pickled Radishes - Super Simple Recipe (1)

Radishes. People tend to either love them or hate them. and honestly, there just aren’t enough recipes with radishes. They are just about the most fun veggie out there but they are completely under-appreciated.

What’s not to love? Radishes are:

  • Easy to grow
  • Go from seed to food in a month
  • Have gorgeous (red/purple/pink/white) globes hidden under the soil
  • Add just the right spicy kick to summer food

They are also really good for your health, as they contain fiber, potassium, Vitamin C, and other essential vitamins and minerals.

Many times, we only use them in early spring as they are among the first fresh veggies ready in the garden or the market. In case you didn’t realize, you can also eat the radish microgreens – they’re fabulous in salads or as toppings for other dishes.

Pickled Radishes - Super Simple Recipe (2)

Add Radishes to Your Garden

Radishes are one of the easiest and fastest vegetables to grow. That isn’t an exaggeration! From the time you plant them, they are ready to harvest in just under a month.

Plus, they grow well among other vegetables, so feel free to grow them in between your lettuce, swiss chard or even your kale.

Did you also know that radishes don’t need full sun to thrive? If you have a garden spot that’s partially shady, go ahead and plant radishes there because they will grow!

Pickled Radishes - Super Simple Recipe (3)

Ways to Use This Picked Radish Recipe

As with other favorite condiments, there are countless ways to use these pickled radishes.

Radishes provide a lovely bite without overpowering other flavors that you might be enjoying (the way raw onion can).

Quick-pickled radishes offer a sweeter, spicier flavor than their fresh counterparts. That’s why they are the perfect complement to so many dishes.

Here are a few different ways we use quick-pickled radishes in our house as well as other ideas of how to use them:

  • To add a tangy, crunchy zip to salads
  • Use on sandwiches
  • Replace pickles on burgers
  • Freshly toasted bread
  • Add to Mexican dishes
  • Enjoy with any summer barbeque recipe
  • Eat them as a snack (like pickles)

Most commonly, we love to eat them as a side dish! I set out a jar at meals no matter what is being served and let everyone scoop a few for the side of their plate.

Inevitably, they will take a few more spoonfuls and gobble them up with tabbouleh, potatoes, or whatever else happens to grace their plates that day.

Pickled Radishes - Super Simple Recipe (4)

Pickled Radish Recipe Tips

With that being said, here are a few tips you will need to know when making pickled radishes at home!

It Will Smell

It’s worth noting that whenever you cook with vinegar, it will make your house smell.

Along those lines, I just have to say upfront: pickled radishes stink. They really smell terrible when you open up the jar. The vinegar smell is very pungent, but the experience of putting them in your mouth and eating them is completely different.

A 180-degree difference!

These pickled radishes taste incredible; in fact, they don’t taste anything like the way they smell!

The Thinner The Better

When you make this recipe, be sure to slice your radishes as thin as you can. The thinner your radishes, the more it’ll suck up the pickling liquid, and the faster your jar of pickled radishes will be closer to being ready to eat.

To do this, I recommend using a mandoline slicer since I find it to be extremely helpful when slicing your radishes. It also helps you to slice them quickly and as thin as you wish while keeping them all uniform.

FYI: Using a mandoline will help you speed up your slicing, but it’s also an easy way to lose the tip of your finger if you don’t use your mandoline carefully. If you prefer to slice by hand, a sharp chef’s knife works well.

How to Make Quick-Pickled Radishes

Have you ever wondered how to pickle radishes? If you love pickled foods and easy recipes, this recipe is for you.

Don’t have radishes on hand or in your garden? You could try making this recipe with thinly-sliced red onions or carrots instead. Or, get really adventurous and try making this recipe with all three veggies!

Quick-Pickled Radishes Ingredients:

Pickled Radishes - Super Simple Recipe (5)

Pickled Radish Recipe Directions

  1. Prepare your radishes by slicing off the tops and bottoms of the radishes. Next, use a mandoline or sharp chef’s knife to slice the radishes into very thin slices.
  2. Heat up everything but the garlic and radishes in a small saucepan until everything is dissolved and boiling.
  3. Pack clean canning jars with thinly sliced radishes and a clove of garlic. Pour the hot liquid over the radish slices until fully covered and let cool. Once cooled, put the lid on your jar and place the closed jar in your refrigerator.
  4. Your pickled radishes are ready to eat after 24 hours. Store in the fridge for up to 3-4 weeks (if they last that long).

Didn’t I tell you that this recipe was an easy one? Regular pickles take a lot of time and more effort, which will make this pickled radish recipe your favorite to make! Trust me, you’ll make it again soon because they will disappear so fast.

So, this summer, re-introduce yourself to the radish. Go grab a bunch and pickle them!

More Garden Recipes to Love

  • The Best Ever Deli-Style Sour Pickles Recipe
  • Chive Blossom Vinegar and Vinaigrette
  • Lavender Soda + Lavender Syrup + Lavender Lemonade
  • Fresh Herb Finishing Salt Recipe
  • Infused Strawberry Vinegar

Pickled Radishes - Super Simple Recipe (6)

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Super Quick Pickled Radishes

Pickled radishes are a simple —and tasty!— way to use up extra produce from your garden.

Prep Time5 minutes mins

Cook Time10 minutes mins

Rest time1 day d

Total Time1 day d 15 minutes mins

Course: Vegetable

Cuisine: Korean

Keyword: healthy, pickled, radish

Servings: 10

Calories: 30kcal


  • Wide-mouth Mason jar



  • Slice off the top and the bottom of the radishes, then use a mandoline slicer or a knife to cut the radishes into thin, even slices.

  • Set aside the radishes and garlic. Heat all the remaining ingredients in a saucepan until dissolved.

  • Add your sliced radishes and garlic to the mason jar(s), then pour the hot liquid over the top until covered.

  • Let the liquid cool, then add the lid and place in the refrigerator.

  • Wait 24 hours and enjoy!


The pickled radishes last 2-3 weeks in the fridge.


Calories: 30kcal

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Pickled Radishes - Super Simple Recipe (2025)


How long does pickled radish last? ›

If you're using a kilner jar, simply fill to the surface and fasten the lid tightly to create an airtight seal. Place your jar in the fridge and wait 2 days before eating. The radish should comfortably last 5-6 months like this as long as they're looked after and a clean utensil is used to remove them.

Are pickled radishes healthy? ›

Nutritional Content

Low in calories, it also has an impressive amount of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. The root is rich in Vitamin C, as well as a great source of calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Why is my pickled radish soft? ›

This could happen if even one of the tops of the pickles was peeking out of the brine. That little bit of exposure acts as a vector. As far as soft ferments, more often than not that is because there is not enough salt in the brine.

What is the ratio for pickles? ›

The classic ratio is super easy to remember and is easily scale-able depending on how many pickles you're making. It's 100% vinegar, 50% water, 25% sugar and 12.5% kosher salt by weight. So for example, 200g vinegar, 100g water, 50g sugar and 25g kosher salt (again, you can scale this up or down!).

What are the side effects of pickled radishes? ›

Notes and side effects

Depending on how pickled beets are made, some varieties of pickled radishes can contain a lot of table salt and added sugars. Research links excess sugar and salt intake to poor health and an increased risk of conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Is radish good for liver? ›

Radish is a good source of antioxidants, which includes vitamin C. Consuming radish juice, soup or broth can help in reducing the oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals. It further helps in protecting liver cells and boosts liver cell regeneration.

Why do my pickled radishes stink? ›

These vegetables are rich in sulfur-containing compounds, and the pickling process unleashes sulfurous aromas. So, it should come as no surprise that pickled radishes are stinky, in much the same way that sauerkraut, kimchi, or other fermented cabbage-y vegetables can be.

Is it okay not to refrigerate pickled radishes? ›

The growth in unrefrigerated foods is faster. So, although refrigerated pickles in a vinegary brine will allow bacteria to grow and go bad eventually… unrefrigerated pickles will go bad quicker. For that reason, it's safer to refrigerate pickles and of course maintain their crunch unless you are eating them right away!

Can I eat expired pickled radishes? ›

Pickles are preserved in salt and vinegar, so they may be okay to eat after the expiration date if they aren't showing any signs of going bad.

What is the best vinegar to use for pickles? ›

Most pickle recipes call for distilled white vinegar. This is the clear, colorless vinegar made by fermenting grains. It has a mellow aroma, tart acid flavor and does not affect the color of light-colored vegetables or fruits.

What is the 321 method of pickling? ›

3-2-1 pickles 3 parts vinegar 2 parts water 1 part white sugar Peel your pickling onions and heavily salt them. Leave them uncovered in the fridge over night to sweat. In the morning rinse them off and pop them into a sterile, airtight jar and add your sugar and vinegar.

Do I have to boil vinegar for pickling? ›

No, there are other methods for pickling, including quick pickling and refrigerator pickling. But this pickling method does call for boiling the brine. This process helps bloom the flavors of the ingredients and help speed up the pickling process when it's added to the fresh vegetables or fruit.

How do you know if pickled radish has gone bad? ›

Slimy textures or extreme color changes are other telltale signs of spoiled pickled radishes, as is the presence of mold. If you notice bubbles or gas formation in the pickling liquid, it may indicate that the veggies have started to ferment too much, or perhaps the presence of undesirable microorganisms.

How do you know if pickled has gone bad? ›

Visible mold: This is an obvious sign that your pickles have gone bad. Unusually sour taste and smell: If things smell and taste a bit more sour than usual, in an unpleasant way, this may not be a good sign. If you're not liking the taste anyway, it may be time to toss those pickles.

How do you know when radishes have gone bad? ›

Avoid radishes that are soft, dull-colored, and have white or brown scars or black spots; if the radish tops are yellow, limp, or slimy, the radishes are old or have not been refrigerated properly. Remove radish greens before storing. Place in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator.

How long can you keep preserved radish? ›

Jar with water: Radishes in a jar full of cold water may last upwards of two weeks. Dirt: Radishes stored in the dirt in a root cellar can last upwards of three months. Pickled: Pickled radishes can easily last six months.


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.