United States v. Matthew Gwyllim (July 28, 1900) (2024)

Judge:Ashley R. Pauncefote
Prosecutor:Chief of Police Grayson Fletcher, S.D.P.D.
Defendant:Matthew Gwyllim
Defense:Attorney Graham Lattimore
Charges: STCC 3.1a, Murder (x6)
Verdict: Guilty on one count, Not Guilty on 5 counts
Sentence: Execution, dated August 28, 1900

Call to Order


Seamus Fitzgerald shouts: ALL RISE! This United States District Court is now in session! The Right, Honorable Judge Ashley R. Pauncefote is presiding! All who have business before this court, be prepared to be heard.!
Ashley R. Pauncefote shouts: Be seated!
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: The court is in session for the trial of the United States versus Matthew Gwyllim. We are resuming on the defense's case. We're prepared to continue to the next defense witness, as Chief Fletcher elected not to cross-examine their previous witness. Mr. Lattimore, you may call your next individual.
Graham Lattimore says: Your Honor, the defense would like to call Matthew Gwyllim to the stand.

Defense Examination: Matthew Gwyllim


Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Very well. The court recognizes the defendant wishes to testify. For security purposes, I will ask a marshal to accompany him to the podium.
Everett Ward says: Right this way, Mistuh Gwyllim.
Matthew Gwyllim says: I ain't put my han' on my heart sir on account of the manacles what on mine wrists here.
Seamus Fitzgerald says: Please place your left hand on the bible and raise ye'r right hand.Matthew Gwyllim says: Them manacles, sir.
Matthew Gwyllim says: Yes'm.
Seamus Fitzgerald says: Ye'r left hand on the bible, and right hand raised.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Defendant, do you swear on the bible and Lord our God, to tell the truth of all questions asked of you?
Matthew Gwyllim says: I did say yes, sir.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: The witness is sworn. Mr. Lattimore, you may begin questioning.
Graham Lattimore says: Mister Gwyllim, going back to the events on the night of the 20th of July, what were the circ*mstances surrounding that night leading to the encounter with Constable Evans?
Matthew Gwyllim says: Ah was walking at the bakery because I thought it were open late but it ain'tn't. An' then a fella said hey stop it an' I were shot four times in my back there.
Graham Lattimore says: Constable Evans testified that he found you covered in blood, can you explain how you became covered in blood?
Matthew Gwyllim says: Ah was shot four times in my back sir.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Mr. Gwyllim, please. I'm aware you were shot. That's been disclosed. Face forward.
Matthew Gwyllim says: The bullits bleeded some so it got it all on my clothes.
Graham Lattimore says: According to the testimony of Constable Evans, he claims you ran upon hearing his police whistle, for what reason did you flee from the officer?
Matthew Gwyllim says: I run away from everyone what run at me real fast sir. An if they make loud noises too that even put my hair on end more.
Graham Lattimore says: One final question, has the Saint Denis Police Department provided you with adequate food and medical care during your incarceration?
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: No need to answer that question, Mr. Gwyllim.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Under Pervear v. Massachusetts, that is immaterial. Further, I'd have expected Chief Fletcher to object; and Mr. Lattimore to know better than ask.
Matthew Gwyllim says: I got some complaints is all.
Graham Lattimore says: The defense has no further questions, Your Honor.

Prosecution Cross-Examination: Matthew Gwyllim


Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Thank you, Mr. Lattimore. Chief Fletcher, cross-examination?
Grayson Fletcher says: Yes, your Honor.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Go ahead.
Grayson Fletcher says: Mist'r Gwyllim; at the beginning of your testimony, before speaking, you swore over the Bible. Are you aware of the punishments if you are found to be uttering perjury this evening?
Matthew Gwyllim says: Bible means Hell sir.
Grayson Fletcher says: Quite so. But, Mist'r Gwyllim; I would like to establish if you are aware of the punishments for perjury, or not?
Graham Lattimore says: Objection.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Grounds, Mr. Lattimore?
Graham Lattimore says: Relevance, Your Honor.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Overruled. It's pretty clear what's being put forth.
Grayson Fletcher says: Go on, Mist'r Gwyllim.
Matthew Gwyllim says: I's end up in Hell like Pope Boniface an' Caiaphas. I goes church each Sunday 'cept last two weeks.
Grayson Fletcher says: Mist'r Gwyllim; your defense counsel Mist'r Lattimore queried the events of the night of the 20th of July, and their circ*mstances. You testified 'fella' said 'Hey, stop', and you were subsequently shot four times. Constable Evans testified that you were found covered in 'blood and guts' BEFORE a pursuit ensued, or even gunfire was discharged. So, I ask, how did your clothes become bloodied on the evening of 20th July, 1900?
Matthew Gwyllim says: Ahm no doctor but I got gumption 'nough to know bullets bleed, sir. You ain't see me 'till I were bleeding like a stuck pig.
Grayson Fletcher says: Very well. Your Honor, if it may once more please the court; the prosecution will re-present the knife submitted into evidence; exhibit eleven, as was found on Mist'r Gwyllim's person at the night of his apprehension. The knife were held in his hand, as to not give Gwyllim a chance to end the old bastard's life. Mist'r Gwyllim, on the night of the 20th of July, you were apprehended with this blade. Were the 'bullets bleeding' responsible for this blood, too, or can you explain how blood became to be on this blade?
Matthew Gwyllim says: I do keep my skinner by my back side sir.
Grayson Fletcher says: Mist'r Gwyllin; respectfully, my question is unanswered. As was previously asked by your defense counsel; pursuant to the events of the 20th of July, I would like to know what led to this knife being covered in blood?
Matthew Gwyllim says: My bleeding all the way to soaking my britches sir. Which you still ain't let me change outta.
Grayson Fletcher says: May the record show that Mist'r Gwyllim confirmed that the knife, evidence exhibit eleven; is his. Finally, to once more refocus your attention to a previous interrogative by the good Mist'r Lattimore; can you explain why you chose to flee one Constable Evans from the scene of the death of a Jane Doe, on the night of July 20th, and then, chose to flee yours truly, which ultimately led to your apprehension?
Matthew Gwyllim says: He were runnin' all beastly with his gun out. I ain't know why, I just got startled an' didn't. At time, want t' be shot. Fellas shouting with guns is trouble.
Grayson Fletcher says: Finally, Mist'r Gwyllim; on the night of July 20th, Constable Evans testified that he saw you 'ruffling in some bushes', and that you were 'masked', and 'carrying a knife', which led to the blow of his whistle. Furthermore, he testified that shots were discharged - in the amount of three bullets - after the initial pursuit engaged. Do you refute this testimony, under oath, against the threat of perjury?
Graham Lattimore shouts: Objection!
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: What grounds, Mr. Lattimore?
Graham Lattimore says: Your Honor, the prosecution is misquoting the witness.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: The witness spoke, and I quote; 'I heard significant ruffling of bushes and heavy breaths, in contrast to my own. I vaulted the wall and found the individual, Mister Gwyllim covered in blood and guts. He was wearing a mask, and carrying a knife. I blew my whistle and pursued.'
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: What's misquoted?
Graham Lattimore says: Constable Evans testified and stating in his witness testimony that he heard him, but didn't see him. The prosecution said 'saw he was'.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: He vaulted the wall and 'found the individual'. He clearly saw a mask and the knife in hand; otherwise he would not have been able to ascertain as such.
Matthew Gwyllim says: What were the question even? What the other fella said?
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Or is your objection specifically to seeing the bushes? Which, yes. That segment is a misquote; ever so slight.
Grayson Fletcher says: Your Honor, if it would please the court, I am more than happy to reframe the question to the directive of the sense of sound, rather than sight.
Grayson Fletcher says: The answer, I suspect will be of a similar element.
Matthew Gwyllim says: I ain't know what I'm being asked sir.
Graham Lattimore says: A reframe of the question would be most welcome, Your Honor.
Grayson Fletcher says: Apologies, Mist'r Gwyllim.^6 He cleared his throat.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Let your attorney finish responding, Mr. Gwyllim.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Very well. Chief Fletcher, rephrase. You may continue.
Grayson Fletcher says: Understood.
Grayson Fletcher says: Then, Mist'r Gwyllim; on the night of July 20th, Constable Evans testified that he HEARD you 'ruffling in some bushes', and that you were 'masked', and 'carrying a knife', which led to the blow of his whistle. Furthermore, he testified that shots were discharged - in the amount of three bullets - after the initial pursuit engaged. Do you refute this testimony, under oath, against the threat of perjury?
Matthew Gwyllim says: Which bit am I refusing?
Grayson Fletcher says: You tell me, Mist'r Gwyllim. Do you dispute his recalling of events, in any capacity?
Grayson Fletcher says: If it would be of benefit to you, if it would please the court further, I can break the question down further.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: I'm not quite sure why all eyes are on me. It's to Mr. Gwyllim to answer if he needs the question part and parceled out or not. Do you refute anything as asked, Mr. Gwyllim?
Matthew Gwyllim says: I ain't think that's truth. I couldn't see 'bout a foot from my face on accoun' of the dark an' rain.
Grayson Fletcher says: Very well. Mist'r Gwyllin, on July 20th, upon being sought out by Constable Evans, were you carrying this knife?^6 He jested to the knife already in his hand.
Matthew Gwyllim says: Constable Evans the great big fat person what climbed the wall an' started shooting at me?
Ashley R. Pauncefote shouts: Mr. Gwyllim! This court will not tolerate outbursts such as that. You will maintain your decorum in this court or you will be gagged!
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Further, you were present when the Constable testified, you know damn well what he looks like.
Grayson Fletcher says: Mist'r Gwyllin. Again.
Matthew Gwyllim says: What's question again?
Grayson Fletcher says: On the night of July 20th, upon being sought by Constable Evans, were you carrying this blade?^6 He jested.
Matthew Gwyllim says: That it? It were mine. Covered in mine blood too.
Grayson Fletcher says: On the night of July 20th, upon being sought by Constable Evans, as per his testimony; were you masked?
Matthew Gwyllim says: I ain't need a mask for rain sir. You wear a mask when it's raining?
Grayson Fletcher says: On the night of July 20th, upon being sought by Constable Evans, as per his testimony; were you 'ruffling in bushes' mere feet away from the body of a deceased Jane Doe, before the initial pursuit ensued?
Matthew Gwyllim says: I's run away because someone were sprinting at me an' I'm sure on a dark rained up night you'd do same.
Grayson Fletcher says: The witness is excused, your Honor, no further questions.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: The witness is not excused until I say so, Chief Fletcher. But thank you.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Mr. Lattimore, do you have any questions for redirect?
Graham Lattimore says: None, Your Honor.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: You may return to your seat, Mr. Gwyllim. Mr. Lattimore, any further witnesses?

Defense Examination: Grayson Fletcher & Rests Case


Graham Lattimore says: The defense would like to call Chief of Police Grayson Fletcher to the stand, Your Honor.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Chief, do mind given the circ*mstances; you are allowed to object to any question asked of you that you find appropriate to do so. Ordinarily, witnesses are not also acting counsel.
Grayson Fletcher says: Understood, your Honor.
Seamus Fitzgerald says: Place ye'r left hand on the bible and raise ye'r right hand up please.
Seamus Fitzgerald says: Do you swear the testimony you are about to give the court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Grayson Fletcher says: I do, Marshal. Thank you.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: The witness is sworn. Thank you, Marshal. Mr. Lattimore, you may begin questioning.
Graham Lattimore says: Chief Fletcher, there have been six killings tied together in this case, what led you to believe these were all connected?
Grayson Fletcher says: A series of killings had occurred spanning the 10th of July to the 20th of July; all victims were females of a high regard and disposition; seemingly of a upper class background. Upon forensic analysis of many of these victims, a 'calling card' of strangulation was the common thread of causation of death. It is the opinion of the S.D.P.D.'s detectives bureau, and consulting physician, that these killings were that of the same assailant.
Graham Lattimore says: The first three killings certainly fit this pattern, however the fourth killing was of a uniformed police constable. Given the lack of post-mortem mutilation present on his body, what specifically led you to believe this killing was connected to the three that came before?
Grayson Fletcher says: Constable John Smith was found within mere feet of the female victim on the same day, that of July 18th, in the streets of Saint Denis. His cause of death was preliminarily assumed to be as a result of multiple facial lacerations, after the attack. The female, on the same date, was of course found with the heavy bruising around their neck, and a broken vertebrae. Assumedly, the Constable walked upon the scene at an unfortunate time; and met his unfortunate demise.
Graham Lattimore says: As for the sixth victim, Constable Evans was only able to give a vague description of the state of the body upon his arrival and Doctor Thornbridge also was unable to testify to the state of the body. The report also is exceedingly vague when it comes to the manner of death and the body's condition. What reasoning led you to believe that the sixth killing was committed by the same killer?
Grayson Fletcher says: Due to the fact that we found Mist'r Gwyllim lurking in the bushes within feet of the dear Jane Doe, moments after the initial scream was heard by Constable Evans. Since his apprehension, no females of a similar disposition and causation of death have been reported; nor noted. The very notion of the victim matching the choice-victims of the previous female instances, let us to this reasoning.
Graham Lattimore says: Finally, involving the knife found in the defendant's possession, do you have any evidence to prove it was used in any of the previous murders?
Grayson Fletcher says: The previous murder victims had a plethora of bodily and facial mutilations, however there is no evidence to suggest the specific knife entered into evidence was specifically the weapon for these instances. No sir.
Graham Lattimore says: A mask was mentioned during earlier testimony, why was the mask not entered as evidence?
Grayson Fletcher says: The mask was never retrieved; the pursuit spanned Milyonne Avenue, Chitimacha Street, Hestia Street - and if I recall, ended on the lower end of Frontier Street. I can only assume Mist'r Gwyllin ditched the head-covering at some point during the two foot pursuits, but we were never able to find it. Had we done so, it would of course be entered into evidence.
Graham Lattimore says: Thank you, Chief Fletcher. No further questions, Your Honor.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Thank you, Mr. Lattimore. Chief Fletcher, do you wish to provide any statement explicitly about the questions asked of you, under oath?
Grayson Fletcher says: No, your Honor.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: You may retake your seat, then. Mr. Lattimore, the Chief was your last witness in documentation. Do you have any further to announce?
Graham Lattimore says: No, Your Honor, the defense rests.

Closing Statements: Prosecution


Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Very well. The court accepts the conclusion of arguments. The Prosecution may begin their closing statement.
Grayson Fletcher says: Thank you, your Honor Ladies and gentlemen of the gallery, esteemed members of the judiciary and law enforcement; what we have here, is a man charged with multiple counts of murder, standing before you drenched in dried bloody clothing, having admitted to possessing the same blood-infused blade presented to you this evening upon his apprehension.
Matthew Gwyllim says: From when I were shot.
Grayson Fletcher says: A total of seven police reports have been entered for the prosecution; auxiliary sketches, forensic analysis', and the very-...
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: The defendant will remain silent. Apologies, Chief.
Grayson Fletcher says: Thank you, your Honor.
Grayson Fletcher says: ... and the very murder weapon, found on the accused, has been entered and shown before you this evening. Since the apprehension of Mist'r Gwyllin; not a single female of the same regard, social disposition or age bracket has been reported, noted or found with unfortunate strangulation around their necks, or mutilation of the face or body. If by some miracle of the Good Lord above, that is not enough; a further sworn testimonies of Doctor Emilia Thornbridge, Constable Reginald Evans, Constable Albert Cooper, Constable Hank Jennings and Constable Harold Mason were also entered; speaking to the grotesque actions that this man has been accused of this evening. With that, it is of the humble opinion of the Chief of Police, and my department; that the City of Saint Denis shall be safer, without Mist'r Gwyllin on it's streets. Thank you, your Honor.

Closing Statements: Defense


Graham Lattimore says: Thank you, Your Honor. The prosecution would have you believe that their case is like a sturdy house strongly built on firm foundations, when in fact it is a narrow, shaky bridge of assumptions. The prosecution has presented this long line of connections, but hasn’t presented the evidence to adequately bind their case together. First they would have you believe that all the murders were connected, despite the decided difference between the first three and the final three killings and their manner of execution. The method of the killings and even the victims are sufficiently different to cast doubt, there isn’t even any submitted evidence about the exact condition of the sixth victim to corroborate with any of the previous bodies. Then there is the so-called smoking gun: the knife the defendant was arrested with. There has been no evidence to suggest it was used in any of the previous five murders, yet has been thrust forward as an example of Mister Gwyllim’s involvement in those prior crimes. Finally, the circ*mstances of Gwyllim’s involvement in the sixth killing is cast into doubt by Evans shaky testimony and the circ*mstances surrounding the defendant's capture. Matthew Gwyllim cannot be sent to the hangman when such nagging, reasonable doubt still obscures the truth of this case. Thank you, Your Honor.

Verdict & Rationale


Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Thank you, Mr. Lattimore. I will ask everybody permit me a moment to gather my thoughts to put forth a verdict. The way I see it, there are issues to be considered aplenty in the case; primarily the considerations of linking previous offenses to Mr. Gwyllim. Without a forensic pathologist to make determinations in all cases, who can attest to a clear pattern of damage to the bodies; we cannot intrinsically link every individual crime to the defendant. And as the final victim was clearly not in the same state as those previous; we cannot take to heart that either. While it is surely damaging that no further victims have been found since Mr. Gwyllim has been taken under arrest, his arrest and trial have been public; and it is just as possible another killer lurks and has stopped on the hope this trial may in fact set his guilt free. That will not be so. As such, on all previous murders, this court cannot help but enter a finding of not guilty. We are not beyond a reasonable doubt. The court shall now bring its attention to the final instance, where the defendant was located. I find the testimonies presented in relation to this specific offense clear enough on the part of what law enforcement has in fact testified. The court does regret the lack of the photographic evidence mentioned, as well as the omission of the lieutenant who took it. But Mr. Gwyllim's testimony leaves me with questions as much as answers. Under defense examination, Constable Evans expressly stated he carried a lantern and was illuminated. By that consideration, it makes little sense a man would flee automatically at someone approaching. It makes less sense still that he would declare a fear having been come upon /over a wall/ opposite a corpse, by a uniformed police constable. Further, the defendant alleges his knife was bloodied by himself when shot. However it would make sense for the hilt to be coated rather than the blade in that case; as the blade would have been downward facing, if not outright sheathed. The handle and hilt would have been exposed to the elements, in turn. The defendant fled, from a location with no others; with police closing in. A location whereupon a body was discovered and clearly murdered. He carried the weapon which the court does believe committed the offense. Therefore, I find Mr. Gwyllim guilty on the final charge of murder. Now, I demand order. We're not done yet. Everybody keep your seats. As this is a capital charge, we now enter the sentencing phase. Chief Fletcher, the Prosecution may make a formal recommendation of sentence, and argument to substantiate. Mr. Lattimore, you will in turn be permitted to argue the appropriate belief of the Defense. Chief Fletcher, please proceed.

Sentencing Phase


Grayson Fletcher says: Thank you, your Honor. The prosecution will recommend, as pertainant to Article III, section I, of the Criminal Code; a sentencing of death. Rationale for this recommendation falls upon the echoing sentiments of my closing statement, in where the City of Saint Denis, it's citizens, and moreover the WOMEN of our dear community will be able to sleep easier knowing that Mist'r Gwyllim is no longer a threat to their peace, their harmony, and most importantly - their lives.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Very well. Mr. Lattimore, you may proceed on the defense's behalf.
Graham Lattimore says: Your Honor, the defense beleives that a life sentence would be more fitting given that Mister Gwyllim has no previous record and motive in the crime has not been proven and is still in doubt.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Mr. Gwyllim. Do you have anything you wish to say for yourself?
Matthew Gwyllim says: If it pleases y'.
Matthew Gwyllim says: Miss'r bailiff if yous could do me this kindness.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: You can speak just as well with your hands cuffed, Mr. Gwyllim.
Matthew Gwyllim says: 's for some indercation is all. My week been a torture beyon' death. After them officers shot me four times, they did stuff them wounds with their 'kerchiefs. The kind lady doctor did clean 'em and take away the 'fection. I ain't eat for four days, 'till self-same lady did tell em t' feed me. Been none allowed t' warsh my clothes nor had a pot to piss in. I's cuffed an' starved an' otherwise stuffed with rags like a match-girl's poppet an' I won't condemn no livin' man t' such. If you's saw how red an angry them bullet wounds is. I ain't harmed none that he want me dead sir. I rightly expect it, fer they been tryin' it for week now. They think hangin' a simple man will do they jobs for'em is all.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: Right. Well, Mr. Gwyllim. You show no repentance nor offer any sort of mitigation unto yourself except treatment which occurred /after/ your arrest and is wholly moot. If you wish to take up the cause of the treatment of the incarcerated, you'd do better to put it to this country's Supreme Court. Frankly, you seem quite astute; if willfully obtuse. Which makes me worry all the more of your capacity going forward. So we're going to do something a little different, that may appease and frustrate both sides.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: I do hereby sentence you, Matthew Gwyllim, to death by hanging. However I will date that execution to take place in one month's time, on August 28th. Until such time, you will be lodged at Sisika Penitentiary for you and your attorney to get your affairs in order; and to lodge any appeals you may wish to attempt. I will also sign an order that any attempt at escape may be met with summary execution, as a result of the execution warrant from these proceedings.
Ashley R. Pauncefote says: This court is adjourned.

United States v. Matthew Gwyllim (July 28, 1900) (2024)


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